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Go to the shopFree Standard Delivery
Standard delivery is available for free throughout the UK and an average expectancy of delivery will be between anywhere from 2-12 days depending on your location, the item & product availability. With that being said any items that are currently 'sold out' or 'unavailable' you will be notified straight away through email within [order date - next day]. If you're order still has not arrived within the 12 day period please contact us through our online chat service or email us using the 'contact us' or email icon at the bottom of the page.
Order Tracking
Order tracking is available and you will be able to view the current progress of the order by entering your details within 'track your order' & tracking number provided to you that will be sent to your email connected to the order that was placed.
Missing Parcel or Items
If your parcel has arrived and you believe there is something missing then please contact our live support immediately. You need to contact us within 7 days of recieving your item for us to investigate further. Any extended period of time beyond this will disrupt and void throughout investigation and any claim against the lost item will be rejected. Please maintain any packaging.
You retain the right to change your mind about a purchase so long as the item is unused and in its original packaging when returned to us with a minimum of 15 days after you have recieved the delivery. A full refund will be allocated in the scenario that the guidelines are met. If these guidelines or not met then a refund will not be offered for the exchanged item unless defected.